Our Mission, Vision, and Goals


The mission of the Tarrant County Constable's Office Precinct 7 is to provide the best service possible to our community. We will work hard to uphold the core values for what our citizens expect of us at all times. This office will establish positive working relations with fellow agencies to improve public safety and awareness in order to make our area a better place to live. Deputies will insure that all civil process is served in a diligent manner to maintain and build trust. We will develop and implement programs that strengthen our economy by providing valuable resources for our local businesses to assist in their success.


The vision of the Tarrant County Constable's Office Precinct 7 is: "This office will operate with the best interest of all the citizens of Tarrant County and that we are effective stewards of their taxpayer dollars."


  • Provide high quality, cost effective and accountable services to the citizens of Tarrant County.
  • Provide an expidited service to all the courts, attorneys and businesses that use this office.
  • Develop programs that educate our citizens in areas of personal safety and awareness.
  • Make this an office the citizens can depend on and trust.