Current Election Information
Local Uniform Election Date - May 3, 2025
- First day to apply for a ballot by mail: Wednesday, January 1, 2025
- Last day to register to vote: Thursday, April 3, 2025 (Postmarked)
- Last day to apply for Ballot by Mail: Tuesday, April 22, 2025 (Received)
- Early Voting: Tuesday, April 22, 2025 - Tuesday, April 29, 2025
- Important Election Dates for 2025
- May 3, 2025, Uniform Election Law Calendar
Additional Election Information
Make changes to your address and register to vote:
- Update an address online: Voter Name and Address Changes
- Printed Voter Registration Applications. Complete application and mail it to us
Early Voting Location Information
Election Day Location Information
Tarrant County registered voters on Election Day can vote at any Vote Center location from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Vote Center locations are chosen by the entity holding the election (city, ISD, or county) and therefore are not always the same. Other circumstances such as building or road construction, and scheduling conflicts on privately owned locations can also affect whether or not a location is used. Use one of the links below to find an Election Day Vote Center Location.
Limited Ballot
Texas Election Code authorizes a limited ballot for a person moving from one Texas County to another. The voter is entitled to vote only on each office or measure to be voted in a territorial unit (state or district) of which the person was a resident both before changing their county of residence and after. This voter can either vote in person during the Early Voting period for the election at the main early voting location at 2700 Premier St., Fort Worth TX 76111 or can submit a request vote by mail ((* in English), ( * in Spanish), ( * in Vietnamese)) to the Early Voting Clerk along with their Limited Ballot Application ( in English / Spanish / Vietnamese). SOS Advisory No. 2024-27: Limited Ballot Voters and the District Chart.
* Newer versions of web browsers will require the use "Adobe Reader" to properly use this form (application form) above. Free download of Adobe Reader.
For more information regarding the Limited Ballot, please contact our office, see contact information provided below.
Voters with Special Circumstances
Special conditions are available for persons who become hospitalized or suffer a death in the family after the close of the regular application deadline. Specific guidelines must be met to be eligible. Please contact our Early Voting Division at 817-831-8683 for more information. Application for Emergency Ballot. SOS Advisory No. 2024-03: Emergency Ballot Procedures
- Live Streaming
- Ballot Board Room 1
- Ballot Board Room 2
- Ballot Storage Premier
- Tally Room Quorum
- Ballot Storage Quorum 1-1 ***
- Ballot Storage Quorum 1-2 ***
- Training Room 1
- Training Room 2
- Meeting Room Quorum
- Tally Room 1
- Tally Room 2
*** Note: Some livestream sources do not display in some browsers. If you have trouble streaming in Firefox or Safari, please try Chrome or Edge, as these browsers have not had any issues with the panoramic camera streams.
- Absentee (by Mail), Early Voting Statistics, Election Day Statistics and Provisional Ballot Count
- Daily Count of Mail Totals
- Daily Count of Early Voters In-Person
- Election Day Voters Counts of In-Person by Location
- Provisional Ballot Counts by Entity
NOTE: Per Section 87.121, Texas Election Code, Early Voting and Election Day rosters must be made available in a downloadable format by 11 a.m. the following day for the previous day’s turnout. The reports will be posted prior to 11 a.m.
- Rosters - (By Mail, Early Voting by Personal Appearance and Election Day by Personal Appearance)
- Layout and Support Files
- Data Files
NOTE: Per Section 87.121, Texas Election Code, Early Voting and Election Day rosters must be made available in a downloadable format by 11 a.m. the following day for the previous day’s turnout. The reports will be posted prior to 11 a.m.
- SOS Statewide Statistics, Ballot by Mail Tracker and Candidate Lists
Election Reports
- Cumulative Reports and Precinct by Precinct Report
- Graphical Election Night Reporting Tool (ENR) --- Coming in April
- Zip File - Early Voting Locations Cumulative Reports
- Zip File - Vote Center Locations Cumulative Reports
- Zip File - Scanned results tapes for Early Voting by vote counting machines*
- Zip File - Scanned results tapes for Election Day by vote counting machines*
- Precinct Report
* Note Verity Relay product wasn't used for this election
** Generated in the weeks after the election, expected in December.
Additional Election Reports and Exports
- Audit and Reconciliation Reports
- Other Reports
- Zero Precinct Report
- Tally Export formatted in comma-delimited text
- CVR (Cast Vote Records) - Link coming after in the weeks after the Election.
Election Related Notices
- Notice of Public Test of the Voting Equipment Public Test Completion Certification
- Central Count Station Plan Central Count Station Schedule
- Notice of Delivery of Ballots Voted By Mail
- Ballot Box Opening Notice
- Notice for the SOS Mandated Partial Manual Recount
- Local Entities Website Information, Election Orders, Election Notices, Candidates / Contests Information and Canceled Election?
Search items by entering keyword(s) in the search field. The table will filter the results as you type. Click the header of a column to alphabetically sort the items. Click again to reverse the order of the sort.
Texas Election Code Section 87.121 - EARLY VOTING ROSTERS:
(a) The early voting clerk shall maintain for each election a roster listing each person who votes an early voting ballot by personal appearance and a roster listing each person to whom an early voting ballot to be voted by mail is sent.
(b) For each person listed, the applicable roster must include: (1) the person's name, address, and voter registration number; (2) an identification of the person's county election precinct of registration; and (3) the date of voting or the date the ballot was mailed to the person, as applicable.
(c) Each roster shall be updated daily.
(d) Each roster may be maintained in any form approved by the Secretary of State.
(e) The clerk shall preserve each roster after the election for the period for preserving the precinct election records.
(f) Information on the roster for a person to whom an early voting mail ballot has been sent is not available for public inspection, except to the voter seeking to verify that the information pertaining to the voter is accurate, until the first business day after election day.
(g) Information on the roster for a person who votes an early voting ballot by personal appearance shall be made available for public inspection not later than the beginning of regular business hours on the day after the date the information is entered on the roster under Subsection (c).
(h) Information on the roster for a person who votes an early voting ballot by mail shall be made available for public inspection not later than the day following the day the early voting clerk receives a ballot voted by mail.
Presidential Ballot
Texas Election Code authorizes a Presidential Ballot which allows a voter for vote for president and vice-president under certain circumstances. This voter can either vote during the Election’s Early Voting Period in person at the main early voting location or can submit a request to vote by mail ((* in English), ( * in Spanish), ( * in Vietnamese)) to the Early Voting Clerk along with their Presidential Ballot Application ((in English / Spanish / Vietnamese).
* Newer versions of web browsers will require the use "Adobe Reader" to properly use this form (application form) above. Free download of Adobe Reader.
For more information regarding the Presidential Ballot and to check eligibility, please contact our office, see contact information provided below.
Tarrant County Elections Administration
2700 Premier St.
Fort Worth, TX 76111
Phone: 817-831-8683
TDD: 817-759-7801
Hours of Business: Monday – Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.