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Justice of the Peace Court 2
Arlington Subcourthouse

Judge Mary Tom Cravens Curnutt

Judge Mary Tom Cravens Curnutt

Welcome to the website of your Precinct 2 Justice Court in the heart of historic Downtown Arlington!  As your Judge, I am honored to preside over one of the busiest and most productive courts in all of Texas.  Our Court handles over 15,000 filings annually in areas such as Evictions, Civil Small Claims, Debt Cases, and Class C offenses including Traffic and Failure to Attend School.

In addition, our Court holds many Administrative Hearings including Towing, Property Seizures, Driver’s License Suspensions, Handgun License Revocations and Essential Needs Licenses.

Our Court is also happy to perform Marriages.

We are committed to serving the citizens of Tarrant County Precinct 2 by providing fair, efficient, effective and economical resolutions to all things handled by our Court.


Judge Mary Tom Curnutt

Youth Diversion Program

Juveniles who have been charged with a non-traffic offense on or after January 1, 2025, may qualify to take part in a youth diversion program. This program gives an opportunity for juvenile offenders to resolve a citation without being charged in court. Chapter 45 Subchapter E in Texas Code of Criminal Procedure

If your child has been charged with a non-traffic offense, you may call the court to schedule an appearance to discuss diversion eligibilities and options with the judge.

Justice Court Precinct 2 Youth Diversion Plan

Effective September 17, 2024, to ensure Court begins promptly at the scheduled time, all parties must check in for the trial/hearing at least 30 minutes before their scheduled time as specified on the trial/hearing notice.

Parties who appear after the Judge takes the bench and calls the docket in open court will not be allowed access to the court session/room.

Failure to appear prior to the start of the court session could result in a judgment against a party and/or dismissal of their claim.

If you encounter an emergency, contact the Court immediately at 817-548-3925 before the scheduled time as specified on the trial/hearing notice.

Effective June 6, 2024, Justice of the Peace, Precinct 2 will no longer consider any request for continuances made within 24 hours of any hearings. All requests for continuances for any hearings must be received at least 24 hours before the commencement of the scheduled hearing.

Effective March 14, 2024, all Court proceedings will be in person and any allowance of electronic appearances will be at the discretion of the Justice of the Peace, Precinct 2. Requests for electronic appearances must be received at least 24 hours before the commencement of the scheduled hearing and will not be considered unless extenuating circumstances are present.

To schedule a wedding ceremony, please call the court at 817-548-3925.  

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact the court by phone at 817-548-3925 or email us.



For your convenience, we now offer two ways to eFile.

1. eFile Texas allows you to file new cases and add additional documents to existing Small Claim, Evictions, and Debt Claims cases.  You must have documents prepared and signed (and notarized, if required) and they must be scanned into the program before filing.       

2. eFile Guide and File allows you to file new cases for Small Claim, Evictions and Debt Claims cases. You will be guided step-by-step and answer a series of questions to create your petition to file online.

It is important to remember that you may incur additional fees for copies. The fees PER CASE are $1 for the first page and 25 cents for every page thereafter.

Effective February 1, 2025, filings submitted via eFile Texas with a total of 5 or less pages per envelope will not incur copy fees and may file directly through eFile Texas Self Help. Filings submitted via eFile Texas with a total of more than 5 pages per envelope will incur copy fees at the amounts of $1 for the first page and $0.25 for each additional page and may file directly through eFile Texas, but not through eFile Self Help.


Eviction Step-by-step guide

Eviction Step-by-step guide (Self-Help)

Small Claims Step-by-step guide

Training videos for eFile Texas

eFile Texas FAQs

eFile Guide and File FAQs

I Want To...

  • Inquire About - Civil

      Appeal Information

      Debt Claim Cases

      Emergency Mental Health Commitments (Mental Warrant)

      Eviction Cases

      Interruption of Utilities (Residential)

      Look up Civil Case Records

      Occupational License

      Repair and Remedy Cases

      Small Claims Cases

      Towed/Booted Vehicle

      Writ of Re-Entry (Residential and Commercial)

      Writ of Retrieval

  • Inquire About - Criminal

      Copy Request Fees

      Self-Help Notice




  • Inquire About - Other

      Important Links


      Self-Help Resources

Office Info

Southeast Subcourthouse
700 E. Abram, Suite 200
Arlington, Texas 76010

Phone: 817-548-3925
Fax: 682-255-3960
E-mail Us

Truancy Email


Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

(Closed for lunch 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m.)

All financial transactions must be completed before the following times:

Morning: 11:15 a.m.

Afternoon: 4:00 p.m.


All filings must be filed with enough copies to be served on each defendant, in accordance with TCRP 501.1(d); otherwise, each copy made by the court is $1 per page (see copy request fees).


Justice Court 2 follow the same Severe Weather Policy as the Arlington Independent School District (AISD). If AISD delays its opening or is closed, Justice Court 2 may do so as well. Please call our office to confirm closure or delay.

Getting Married? Click here for more details