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Constable Precinct 1

Constable Precinct 1 map




1895 Tarrant County Courthouse

100 W.  Weatherford Street - Suite 460A
Fort Worth, Texas 76196-0203


The Precinct 1 Constable's Office is an accredited law enforcement agency.

Constable Badge




Constable 1, Dale Clark III


Some citizens have reported scammers calling citizens to say that the citizen missed a court date and that the citizen must pay money to avoid jail. Some scammers are using the titles and names of our deputies to scam the citizens.

Be Advised:

Our deputies will NOT call to obtain money under these circumstances. Please report such instances to your local police department, immediately.


Mission Statement

The mission of the Precinct 1 Tarrant County Constable’s Office is to provide exceptional civil law enforcement services to our community. The primary function of this agency is to execute the orders of judicial courts in accordance with Texas laws and court rules. Deputies will ensure that all civil process is served ethically, legally, and diligently to maintain public trust. 

Our Promise

We, the members of the Precinct 1 Tarrant County Constable’s Office, promise that while doing our best to execute the orders of our courts, we will do everything in our power to do no harm to the communities that we serve and protect.


Our vision is to serve as an example for organizational integrity, strength, leadership, and professionalism among the Constable offices in Texas.


•  Provide exceptional, cost effective, and ethical law enforcement service to the citizens of Tarrant County;

•  Provide excellent delivery of service and enforcement support to the judicial system;

•  Establish and maintain positive working relations with fellow law enforcement agencies, judicial courts, and businesses to improve public safety and awareness in order to make our precinct a better place to live;

•  Develop programs that educate our citizens in areas of personal safety and awareness.

Constable Duties:

  • To serve as Chief Administrative Officer;
  • To assist the Justice of the Peace;
  • To serve Criminal and Civil Process;
  • To assist other law enforcement agencies.

Tx Pol Best Practices Gold Logo_2022


On June 20, 2023, the Tarrant County Constable’s Office, Precinct 1 received the award of “Accredited Law Enforcement Agency” from the Texas Police Chiefs Association Law Enforcement Accreditation Program.  The Accreditation Program evaluates a Police Department’s compliance with 173 Best Business Practices for Texas Law Enforcement.  These Best Practices were carefully developed by Texas Law Enforcement professionals to assist agencies in the efficient and effective delivery of service and the protection of individual’s rights. 

This voluntary process required the Precinct 1 Constable’s Office to conduct a critical self-review of the agency’s policies, procedures, facilities and operations.  Beginning in September 2021, the department begin the lengthy process to become an “Accredited” Law Enforcement Agency” by preparing proofs of compliance for each of the Texas Law Enforcement Best Business Practices. Upon completion of the internal review, an outside audit and review was requested.  The final on-site review took place on June 13-14, 2023 and was conducted by trained Police Chiefs from other areas of our state.  The result of this review was then sent to the Texas Police Chiefs Association’s Accreditation Committee for final analysis and the consideration to award the “Accredited” status.  

The Tarrant County Constable Precinct 1 Office is the 195th agency and

the 5th Constable’s Office in Texas to be accredited.

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Fax: 817-850-2391

1895 Tarrant County Courthouse

100 W. Weatherford St., Suite 460A

Fort Worth, Texas 76196

   Monday - Friday

7:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.