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Constable Precinct 7
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Southeast Subcourthouse
1100 East Broad Street - Suite 201
Mansfield, Texas 76063



Mansfield Subcourthouse

Welcome to Constable's Precinct 7 Office



The mission of the Tarrant County Constable's Office Precinct 7 is to provide the best service possible to our community. We will work hard to uphold the core values of what our citizens expect. This office will establish positive working relations with fellow agencies to improve public safety and awareness to make Precinct 7 a better place to live. Deputies will ensure that all civil process is served in a diligent manner to maintain and build trust. We will develop and implement programs that strengthen our economy by providing valuable resources for our local businesses to assist in their success.


Professional Process Service

The primary mission of Constable’s Office Precinct 7 is to effectively process and execute civil and criminal process in accordance with Federal and State laws, Texas Rules of Civil and Criminal Procedure and Tarrant County local rules.

Our personnel are knowledgeable, professional, and responsive to plaintiffs and defendants in the performance of their duties.

Tarrant County Constable Precinct 7 is focused on Community-Supported Policing. Our goal is to build better communities by creating positive environments of interaction and volunteerism. Each member of our team is responsible for engaging with the community, promoting citizen interaction, and providing a positive role model for your children.