About Ryan White HIV/AIDS Services
The Ryan White Program is funded by federal and state funds that are used to provide HIV/AIDS care and services for individuals who are living with HIV/AIDS and who do not have sufficient health care coverage or financial resources to manage their HIV/AIDS care. The Tarrant County Ryan White Transitional Grant Area/Health Service Delivery Area is comprised of Tarrant County and seven surrounding counties (Erath, Hood, Johnson, Palo Pinto, Parker, Somervell, and Wise). This area provides HIV/AIDS-related services to more than 3,000 people each year. Available services include:
- Case Management (Medical and Non-Medical)
- Early Intervention Services
- Emergency Financial
Assistance - Medications & Other
- Food Bank/Congregate and Home-Delivered Meals
- Health
Education/Risk Reduction
- Health Insurance Premium and Co-Pay Assistance
- HIV Testing and Counseling
- Housing Opportunities for People With AIDS (HOPWA)
- Linguistics Services
- Pharmaceutical Assistance Program (LPAP/CPAP)
- Medical Nutrition Therapy
- Medical Transportation
- Mental Health Services
- Oral Health Services
- Outpatient/Ambulatory
Health Services
- Outreach Services
- Psychosocial Support Services
- Referral for Health
Care/Support Services
- Substance Abuse Services - Outpatient
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2300 Circle Drive, Suite 2306
Fort Worth, Texas 76119
Visit Beat HIV TC