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Justice of the Peace Court 7


Kenneth Sanders, was elected Judge by the citizens of Tarrant County’s Precinct 7 to serve as their Justice of the Peace Court representative. 
Sanders, a product of the FWISD graduating from Paul Laurence Dunbar, before starting his collegiate matriculation at Tarrant County College, later finishing his Bachelor’s degree at Southern University in Baton Rouge, Louisiana.  He has enjoyed a successful career in supply chain and performance manufacturing management with such companies as Lockheed Martin and General Motors.


Sanders leveraged his work experiences as a leader, an astute observer and problem solver to be a force of change in the world of politics. “My leadership qualities, temperament and myriad professional experience are key strengths I bring to any task.”


Sanders and his four sisters, anchored by loving parents, make up a family that prides itself on hard work and community service.  

Important Notice Effective April 1, 2024

Effective Immediately, any Zoom request will not be approved. All hearings will be held in person. No Exceptions!

Effective July 15, 2024: CONTINUANCE OR RESET

Effective July 15, 2024, Justice of the Peace, Precinct 7 will no longer consider any continuances or resets made within one business day of scheduled hearing. All requests for continuances or resets for any case type, must be received at least 24 hours (one business day) before the commencement of the scheduled hearing. 

File your case online

**PLEASE NOTE CASES FILED AFTER 3:30 P.M. WILL BE ACCEPTED THE NEXT BUSINESS DAY** **APPEALS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED THROUGH EFILE AT THIS TIME** For your convenience we now offer E-Filing. There are two ways to EFILE your case. 1. EFILETEXAS Self-Help is commonly called “Guide and File” that is an easy step-by-step guide that will help you E-File your case with ease. You simply answer a series of questions to help you prepare and generate forms online. This is mainly used by Pro Se or persons not represented by attorney. 2. EFILETEXAS is a system that receives electronic documents (as PDF’s) from attorneys and other filers via Web portals. This service does not provide a step-by-step guide. It is important to remember that you may incur additional fees. The court will produce the first copy at no charge, but any additional copies for additional defendants, such as petitions required to be served with citations, will be an additional charge. The fees are $1 for the first page and .25 cents for every page thereafter. Court reserves the right to correct payment if under or overpaid via E-File.

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      Fees and Payments

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      Local Rules & Statutes

      Location, Map and Parking


      Resources for Litigants

      State of Texas Eviction Diversion Program

      Self-Help Notice

  • Civil

      Debt Claim Cases

      Repair & Remedy Cases

      Post Judgment Civil Procedures

      Eviction Cases

      Small Claims Cases

      Writ of Retrieval

  • Criminal

      DPS Failure to Appear/Failure to Pay

      Pay Tickets Online - Adult Defendants Only

      Youth Diversion Program

      DPS Driver Record Request


  • Administrative Hearings

      Emergency Mental Health Commitments (Mental Warrants)

      Occupational Licenses

      Towed/Booted Vehicles

  • Look up Court Cases/Hearing Docket

      Class C Misdemeanors Only

      Case Records Search Civil 

      Court Calendar

      What is my Precinct?

Office Info

Mansfield Subcourthouse

1100 East Broad Street, St 202

Mansfield, Texas  76063


Phone:  817-473-5101 

Fax:  682-255-3983


Monday - Friday, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m.

Closed for lunch from 12 p.m. - 1 p.m.


All filings and payments must be received by 4 p.m.



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