About Constable Sandra Lee
Sandra D. Lee was elected to the office of Tarrant County Constable Precinct 7 in November 2020. Her career experience had been in education, yet the voters continued to trust in her by electing her as Constable. She focused her candidacy on bridging the gap between law enforcement and the minority community. Her 12 years with Mansfield ISD Police Department as a Truancy Officer taught her a lot about bridging that gap.
Sandra has lived in Tarrant County for 34 years. She and her husband, Kevin have been married for 39 years. They raised 3 children and lived in Precinct 7 for over 26 years.
Sandra has worked in education for over 30 years starting out as a volunteer in the public school system. She began working in classrooms as a teacher’s assistant, served on PTAs, and Site Base Management for her children’s elementary school. She ended her career in education in December of 2020, after being elected as Constable.
After being sworn in as Constable on January 1, 2021, Sandra attended the police academy to become a licensed Texas Peace Officer. She graduated in July of 2021 and officially became Constable in Precinct 7.
Sandra became the first female and African American to be elected as a Constable in Pct. 7. She supports and encourages youth through her First Gen Scholarship and contributes as an R. Life Community Organization board member. She looks forward to continuing her work with youth and supporting the families living in Precinct 7.