ROW Encroachment Permits

All new driveways or the modification of an existing driveway within the  unincorporated of Tarrant County ROW require a ROW Encroachment Permit. The following procedure is typical for obtaining an approved ROW Encroachment permit.


  1. Contact Transporation Services at 817-884-1250 or email Sarah VanTassel to request a ROW Encroachment permit and start the process.
  2. The property owner shall stake the location of the driveway  with  clearly visible wooden stakes to indicate the beginning and ending  locations of the driveway/access onto the property.
  3. The driveway inspector will visit the site to determine the size of pipe, if one is needed, and will evaluate whether the proposed location is acceptable. Issues such as visibility, distance from other driveways and distance from other roadways are considered prior to approving the permit.
  4. Once the driveway inspector has completed the site evaluation, staff will contact the property owner with specific requirements regarding pipe size, slope, location and cost.  Types of payment accepted for the pipes are cash, check, money orders and credit cards.  To pay by credit card (three percent convenience fee), please contact  at 817-884-1250 or email Sarah VanTassel.    
  5. Tarrant County personnel will visit the site after the pipe and/or driveway has been installed to ensure the installation was completed to County standards.


Property Access and Culvert Policy

ROW Encroachment Permit Application (Contact Transportation Services of Issued Permit Number)