
Transportation planning plays a key role in Tarrant County's overall strategy to enhance the local transportation system and coordinate the successful implementation of multi-jurisdictional transportation improvements.

The Transportation Services Department is charged with the following planning related responsibilities:

  • Program administration of the Tarrant County 2006 and 2021 Transportation Bond Programs,
  • Representing Tarrant County on regional transportation committees and technical working groups,
  • Collection of traffic count and speed data,
  • Management of the department's Geographic Information Systems, including the Transportation Base Map.

Our planning staff works closely with local municipalities and the North Central Texas Council of Governments, as well as state and federal agencies, to share resources and communicate goals and objectives for the purpose of carrying out the policy directives of the Commissioners Court. Please contact our Mobility Coordinator, Dee Long, at 817-884-3513, for more information about the Department's planning work efforts.