CLG Committee
The Certified Local Government (CLG) Program is a local, state, and federal government partnership to empower local communities to better protect historic resources in their area. The CLG Program in Texas is implemented by the Texas Historical Commission, and more information about the CLG Program can be found on their website.
The Tarrant County CLG Committee follows the guidelines for county CLGs set forth in the Texas Historical Commission's CLG Handbook, with the main duties being review and consultation on Section 106 review requests; review and recommendation of National Register of Historic Places nominations; maintenance of historic resources survey data; and update of historic resources surveys. The Tarrant County CLG Committee holds open meetings, typically every other month beginning in January. Meetings are held virtually and in Suite 5100, Tarrant County Plaza Building, 200 Taylor St., Fort Worth, Texas 76196.
The Tarranty County CLG Committee most recently created the Tarrant County Historic Sites Atlas to share existing historic resources survey data, and county-wide historic context statements to share notable county-wide history related to our built environment. The Committee is currently conducting a new survey of historic resources in unincorporated Tarrant County, with plans to work with municipalities to conduct surveys across the county.
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