Tarrant County Public Health hosts a user group for NTXSS users which meets to discuss topics and resources around syndromic surveillance for users in the Texas DSHS 2/3 region.

How to Join
To join the user group please email syndromic@tarrantcountytx.gov.


Declaration of Readiness to Accept Public Health Syndromic Surveillance Reporting in Compliance with Meaningful Use Stage 3 Requirements

As TCPH has declared readiness to receive syndromic surveillance data, we welcome any new hospital which serves emergency patients to join the onboarding queue. The below steps outline what is needed to submit syndromic surveillance data.

1. Registration of intent

a. To begin, register intent to submit syndromic data by emailing syndromic@tarrantcountytx.gov. Provide a hospital representative’s name, phone number and email address. Please include the name and address of the facility or facilities.

b. We will respond and place you in the onboarding queue

2. Complete Request for Information Form

3. Execute a Data Use Agreement and other required forms

a. Tarrant County DUA
b. Form 1295
c. Debarment and certification
d. Vendor Certification Addendum

4. Testing phase

a. NIST Reports, must achieve less than 5 errors to proceed to the next phase
b. Send data to test for completeness checks

5. Production Phase

a. Facilities will be approved for production when their feeds meet completeness and validity standards. Any switches in EMRs will necessitate completing the validation process over again

6. Attestations

a. TCPH will provide promoting interoperability attestation letters for facilities in active production. TCPH can only provide attestations for periods in the past and for definite time periods.
b. To request an attestation letter, email Syndromic@tarrantcountytx.gov with the facility name, addressee information, and dates requested for attestation