Prevention Programs
Patient Navigators (PN)
Patient Navigation is a non-medical case management service that assists the client with understanding the aspects of living with HIV. Patient Navigator services may include providing recommendations and assistance in obtaining medical, social, legal, financial, or other related services in the community. Non-medical case management does not involve coordination and follow-up of medical treatments, as medical case management does. The goal of PN is to remove barriers to effective care for HIV clients by coordinating services that help increase the client's chances for a healthier quality of life. A PN helps clients move through the complexities of the health-care system and HIV Continuum of Care, assisting with improved quality treatment. The PN serves as a reliable ally to whom an HIV+ client can turn for advice and support and understanding.

Community Mobilization and Coordination (CMC)
CMC is an initiative to foster new and maintain/strengthen existing relationships with community-based agencies and providers in an effort to maximize public-health-related programs and services for Tarrant County residents. This campaign aims to create a network of collaborators that are invested in public health practices to address the various public health issues and concerns impacting our communities. From this concerted effort, Tarrant County Public Health will continue to be a catalyst for analyzing, identifying problems and improving and protecting the health of our residents.

Condom Promotion and Distribution
The goals of condom promotion and distribution are to: conduct activities at the individual, organizational, and community levels; increase condom use among persons with HIV infection and those at high risk of acquiring HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (STI); and integrate targeted condom distribution activities into appropriate HIV prevention activities. Persons at high risk of acquiring HIV and STI include men who have sex with men (MSM), injection drug users (IDU), and high-risk heterosexual African Americans (HRHAA).

For more information regarding any of the HIV Prevention Programs or services please contact the Prevention Program Supervisor at 817-321-4822.