EHE Events
From time to time the EHE team will be involved with or host an event. Those will be listed here.
For details regarding each event, please e-mail

Saturday, August 10
10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
African American Health Expo 2024
Fort Worth ISD Teaching and Learning Center, 1050 Bridgewood Drive, Fort Worth, TX 76112
Bryan-Tyler Orr will be providing an educational table for participants of the Health Expo. Information provided will include HIV 101, PrEP and nPEP education, the importance of routine HIV/STI screening, and information about where to get tested for HIV and STIs. Please email the EHE team for more information.

Thursday, September 5
10 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Current Medical Sciences and Interagency Collaborative Interventions for HIV and STIs
Virtual and In-Person, UT Arlington
In collaboration with the UTA Center for Rural Health and Nursing, TCPH will be presenting on and hosting discussion panels about the latest in HIV/STI-related medical science and how nursing and public health can apply evidence-based practices and innovative solutions to improve community outcomes.
Additional details and agenda to be posted soon.
Please email the EHE team for any questions.

Wednesday, September 18
11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
EHE HIV Prevention Partnership Meeting
One Safe Place, 1100 Hemphill St., Fort Worth, TX 76104
Scheduled topics include aging and HIV, reflections on the EHE Focus Group that was held on June 25th, and opportunities for participant updates and networking. Lunch will be provided. An invitational email will be sent to Prevention Partnership members soon. Please email the EHE team to receive an invitation.