PrEP and Be Confident

About PrEP

What is PrEP?

PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis) is a combination of safe sex practices and a daily prescription pill  that significantly reduces your chances of getting HIV.

PrEP can reduce your risk of HIV by 99 percent.

  • When you PrEP, you can be healthy. And that means you can be yourself.
  • And if you’re pregnant, PrEP can keep you and your baby protected if your partner is HIV-positive.

Is PrEP for Me?

PrEP is for people who may be at higher risk of getting HIV. You might be at risk of getting HIV if:

  • You have more than one sex partner
  • You do not regularly use condoms
  • You’re in an ongoing relationship with someone who has HIV
  • You’re not sure of your sex- or needle-sharing partners’ HIV status
  • You or your sex partner have been diagnosed with a sexually transmitted disease (STD) in the past six months
  • You have injected drugs in the past six months and have shared needles
  • Your sexual partner has injected drugs in the past six months
PrEP and Be Healthy


Tarrant County Public Health provides PrEP testing and treatment. At your appointment, a doctor or nurse will talk to you about your sexual health and history. You will also be tested for:

  • HIV
  • Hepatitis A, B and C
  • Other STDs
  • Liver and Kidney functions

For appointments, please provide:
--Proof of income: last two pay stubs, notarized supporter statement, award letter, W2, tax return, etc.
--Proof of residence: lease, utility bill (water, sewer, electric), checking account statement.

Learn More

To learn more about PrEP or to make an appointment with us, call 817-321-4805.


What If I Don’t Have Insurance?

Even if you don’t have insurance, we can help you get a PrEP prescription at no cost or low cost.

How Often Do I Take PrEP?

PrEP should be taken every day as prescribed by your doctor. PrEP does not protect against STDs like gonorrhea, chlamydia or syphilis, so it’s important to use condoms whenever appropriate.

PrEP is not a vaccine. If you stop taking your daily medication, you will begin to lose the protection it offers.

How Can I Get PrEP?

If you think PrEP is right for you, you can make an appointment with Adult Health Services by calling 817-321-4805.

At your appointment, a doctor or nurse will talk to you about your sexual health and history. You will also be tested for:

  • HIV
  • Hepatitis B and C
  • Other STDs
  • Liver function

Once you’re on a PrEP regimen, you’ll need to return for blood work every three months. Our staff will also evaluate any side effects you may have, which are usually minor.

Quick Medical Facts About PrEP

How It Works

PrEP helps prevent HIV by interfering with the ability of the virus to copy itself in your body. If taken correctly and consistently, PrEP is 99 percent effective in reducing your risk for HIV.

Side Effects

Most people on PrEP don’t have any side effects. Minor symptoms like tiredness, headaches, abdominal pain and weight loss may happen, but they usually go away on their own.

In rare cases, PrEP users might be at increased risk for kidney disease. Your doctor will test your kidney function every three months to make sure they are working normally.

Also, if you have Hepatitis B and start PrEP, you cannot stop the medication as there is an increased risk of liver disease. Your doctor will check for Hepatitis B during your initial visit.

Interactions with Other Drugs

PrEP usually doesn’t interact with other medications. Talk to your doctor about any other medications you’re taking.



PrEP and Be Yourself