FAQ - Unemployed / Newly Employed / Underemployed

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Question | Answer | |
1 | I just lost my job. Can I get assistance? | Yes, if you meet the income guidelines. Applicants who quit a job voluntarily, are suspended, are terminated, or refuse to accept employment may not be eligible for financial assistance for a 30-day period. If there is any ongoing income of over $100 a month, you may not be eligible for assistance even after the 30 day waiting period. |
2 | I just started a new job, but will not get paid for two weeks. Can I get help? | Your income for the last 30 days cannot exceed 250 percent of the Federal Poverty Income Guidelines. Clients assisted under this category will be limited to two times only assistance in a 12-month period if all the requirements are met. |
3 | I have a temporary job, but have not been called for assignments. Am I eligible for assistance? | You may be assisted if you can verify that your income for the last 30 days is below 50 percent of the Federal Poverty Income Guidelines, you have accepted every assignment offered to you, and you are seeking permanent/fulltime employment. |
4 | I am eligible to receive unemployment, but I am not getting it because I have an "overpayment". Can I get assistance? | If you are not receiving benefits (such as social security, unemployment, workers compensation, etc.) because of an "overpayment", you are not eligible to receive assistance here. |
5 | I just moved here from another state because I heard there were a lot of jobs here. I had enough money to pay the first month's rent on an apartment but now I need to pay next month's rent. I don't have a job yet, but I'm still looking. Can I get help? | Unless you moved here to avoid an abusive situation, your relocation to Tarrant County is considered "a planned move." Therefore, you would not be eligible for assistance. |
6 | I work construction and we haven't worked for the last two weeks because it's been raining. I don't have enough money to pay the rent. Can I get help? | Applicants whose income is from temporary and seasonal jobs will be reviewed on a case by case basis for eligibility. |
7 | I work for the school district as a bus driver. Since there is no school, I'm not working this summer. Will you help me with my rent and utilities? | School district employees or other seasonal employees are not eligible to receive assistance during the time of the year they are not working unless they meet the criteria for Category C - Crisis. |