FAQ - Crisis

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# | Question | Answer |
1 | What is a CRISIS? | A crisis is a verifiable event that happened in the last 120 days that is totally unexpected, unplanned and out of your control that resulted in deprivation of food, shelter, or utilities. Examples include: unexpected medical bills; car repairs that are not considered maintenance (such as brakes and tires); or loss of income for three consecutive days or more caused by an illness or accident and verified by a physician. |
2 | My money was stolen and now I can't pay my bills. Is this what you mean by a crisis? | Stolen or lost money cannot be verified, so it cannot be considered a crisis. |
3 | You assisted me four months ago because I had to miss work for a week due to illness. My company does not provide sick leave. I had to miss work again this week because I'm sick again. Can you help? | You can only be assisted one time in a 12-month period for the same crisis situation. |
4 | I have been driving my mother's car to get to work. It needed a new transmission that I paid for because I'm responsible for the repairs since I'm the one who drives it. Can you help? | The car must be under your name so you can get help. Car registration and/or insurance verification will be required. |
5 | My spouse/partner left me last week. They were the only one working. I need help paying the rent. Am I eligible? | Yes, with written verification from your landlord. |
6 | I didn't receive my child support check this month. Can I get help? | You may be able to be assisted if you failed to receive your child support check. You will need to provide a printout from the Attorney General's Office verifying that you did not receive your check. |