Clara and Bob Holmes
Contact the Tarrant County Archives for information about requesting images.
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Image Gallery

Coliseum cornerstone dedication by Masons, October 6, 2007 (018-033-341)

Tarrant County Courthouse, 1895 Room (018-033-341)

Cynthia Ann Pease River Dedication (018-033-341)

Tarrant County Courthouse, 1895 Room (018-033-341)

Quanah Parker (018-033-341)

Tarrant County Courthouse, 1895 Room (018-033-341)

Coliseum cornerstone dedication by Masons, October 6, 2007 (018-033-341)

Cowtown Coliseum, 2011 (018-033-341)

Fort Worth Stockshow, 1896 (018-033-341)

Cynthia Ann Pease River Dedication (018-033-341)

Cynthia Ann Pease River Dedication (018-033-341)

Cynthia Ann Pease River Dedication (018-033-341)

Elvis Presley in Fort Worth (018-033-341)

Vaquero statue (018-033-341)

Unidentified Comanche woman and child (018-033-341)

Tarrant County Courthouse clock tower renovation (018-033-341)

Elvis Presley in Fort Worth (018-033-341)

Weyote and portrait of Quanah Parker (018-033-341)

Elvis Presley in Fort Worth (018-033-341)

Coliseum cornerstone dedication by Masons, October 6, 2007 (018-033-341)

Tarrant County Courthouse, 1895 Room (018-033-341)

Tarrant County Courthouse clock tower renovation (018-033-341)

Ripley Arnold statue, Archie's Workshop, 2012 (018-033-341)

Cynthia Ann Pease River Dedication (018-033-341)

Vaquero statue (018-033-341)

Cynthia Ann Pease River Dedication (018-033-341)

Ripley Arnold statue, Archie's Workshop, 2012 (018-033-341)

Vaquero statue (018-033-341)

Cynthia Ann Pease River Dedication (018-033-341)

Coliseum cornerstone dedication by Masons, October 6, 2007 (018-033-341)

Tarrant County Courthouse, 1895 Room (018-033-341)

Tarrant County Courthouse, 1895 Room (018-033-341)

Cynthia Ann Pease River Dedication (018-033-341)

Ripley Arnold statue, Archie's Workshop, 2012 (018-033-341)

Coliseum cornerstone dedication by Masons, October 6, 2007 (018-033-341)

Ripley Arnold statue, Archie's Workshop, 2012 (018-033-341)

Quanah Parker (018-033-341)

Cynthia Ann Pease River Dedication (018-033-341)

Quanah Parker and wife Tonarcy (018-033-341)

Tarrant County Courthouse clock tower renovation (018-033-341)

Cowtown Coliseum, 2011 (018-033-341)

Vaquero statue (018-033-341)

Ripley Arnold statue, Archie's Workshop, 2012 (018-033-341)

Tarrant County Courthouse, 1895 Room (018-033-341)

Ripley Arnold statue, Archie's Workshop, 2012 (018-033-341)

Tarrant County Courthouse, 1895 Room (018-033-341)

Coliseum cornerstone dedication by Masons, October 6, 2007 (018-033-341)

Quanah Parker (018-033-341)

Coliseum cornerstone dedication by Masons, October 6, 2007 (018-033-341)

Coliseum cornerstone dedication by Masons, October 6, 2007 (018-033-341)

Ripley Arnold statue, Archie's Workshop, 2012 (018-033-341)

Tarrant County Courthouse, 1895 Room (018-033-341)

Tarrant County Courthouse, 1895 Room (018-033-341)

Tarrant County Courthouse, 1895 Room (018-033-341)

Tarrant County Courthouse, 1895 Room (018-033-341)

Lance Tahkahmera (018-033-341)

Ripley Arnold statue, Archie's Workshop, 2012 (018-033-341)

Tarrant County Courthouse, 1895 Room (018-033-341)

Cynthia Ann Pease River Dedication (018-033-341)

Coliseum cornerstone dedication by Masons, October 6, 2007 (018-033-341)

Cynthia Ann Parker (018-033-341)

Quanah Parker (018-033-341)

Quanah Parker and wife Tonarcy (018-033-341)

Tarrant County Courthouse, 1895 Room (018-033-341)

Elvis Presley in Fort Worth (018-033-341)

Tarrant County Courthouse, 1895 Room (018-033-341)

Comanche Nation Museum and Fair (018-033-341)

Coliseum cornerstone dedication by Masons, October 6, 2007 (018-033-341)

Tarrant County Courthouse clock tower renovation (018-033-341)

Ripley Arnold statue, Archie's Workshop, 2012 (018-033-341)

Cynthia Ann Parker funeral (018-033-341)

Cynthia Ann Pease River Dedication (018-033-341)

Coliseum cornerstone dedication by Masons, October 6, 2007 (018-033-341)

Tarrant County Courthouse clock tower renovation (018-033-341)

Quanah Parker and wife Tonarcy, circa 1890 (018-033-341)

Ripley Arnold statue, Archie's Workshop, 2012 (018-033-341)

Tarrant County Courthouse clock tower renovation (018-033-341)

Cynthia Ann Pease River Dedication (018-033-341)

Elvis Presley in Fort Worth (018-033-341)

Cynthia Ann Pease River Dedication (018-033-341)

Cynthia Ann Pease River Dedication (018-033-341)

Tarrant County Courthouse, 1895 Room (018-033-341)

Lance Tahkahmera (018-033-341)

Ripley Arnold statue, Archie's Workshop, 2012 (018-033-341)

Quanah Parker, Fort Sill, Quaker School, circa 1880 (018-033-341)

Coliseum cornerstone dedication by Masons, October 6, 2007 (018-033-341)

Vaquero statue (018-033-341)

Quanah Parker and wife Tonarcy (018-033-341)

Tarrant County Courthouse, 1895 Room (018-033-341)

Tarrant County Courthouse, 1895 Room (018-033-341)

Quanah Parker (018-033-341)

Coliseum cornerstone dedication by Masons, October 6, 2007 (018-033-341)

Quanah Parker's son, Baldwin (018-033-341)

Cynthia Ann Pease River Dedication (018-033-341)

Ripley Arnold statue, Archie's Workshop, 2012 (018-033-341)

Tarrant County Courthouse, 1895 Room (018-033-341)

Tarrant County Courthouse, 1895 Room (018-033-341)

Lance Tahkahmera (018-033-341)

Cynthia Ann Parker funeral (018-033-341)

Coliseum cornerstone dedication by Masons, October 6, 2007 (018-033-341)

Lance Tahkahmera (018-033-341)

Ripley Arnold statue, Archie's Workshop, 2012 (018-033-341)

Ripley Arnold statue, Archie's Workshop, 2012 (018-033-341)

Coliseum cornerstone dedication by Masons, October 6, 2007 (018-033-341)

Ripley Arnold statue, Archie's Workshop, 2012 (018-033-341)

Ripley Arnold statue, Archie's Workshop, 2012 (018-033-341)

Tarrant County Courthouse, 1895 Room (018-033-341)

Vaquero statue (018-033-341)

Lance Tahkahmera (018-033-341)

Coliseum cornerstone dedication by Masons, October 6, 2007 (018-033-341)

Tarrant County Courthouse, 1895 Room (018-033-341)

Ripley Arnold statue, Archie's Workshop, 2012 (018-033-341)

Cynthia Ann Pease River Dedication (018-033-341)

Tarrant County Courthouse, 1895 Room (018-033-341)

Lance Tahkahmera (018-033-341)

Coliseum cornerstone dedication by Masons, October 6, 2007 (018-033-341)

Coliseum cornerstone dedication by Masons, October 6, 2007 (018-033-341)

Ripley Arnold statue, Archie's Workshop, 2012 (018-033-341)

Coliseum cornerstone dedication by Masons, October 6, 2007 (018-033-341)

Coliseum cornerstone dedication by Masons, October 6, 2007 (018-033-341)

Quanah Parker (018-033-341)

Ripley Arnold statue, Archie's Workshop, 2012 (018-033-341)

Tarrant County Courthouse, 1895 Room (018-033-341)

Quanah Parker (018-033-341)

Quanah Parker marker dedication, Parker family (018-033-341)

Vaquero statue (018-033-341)

Vaquero statue (018-033-341)

Quanah Parker and unidentified group (018-033-341)

Elvis Presley in Fort Worth (018-033-341)

Coliseum cornerstone dedication by Masons, October 6, 2007 (018-033-341)

Quanah Parker, 1890s (018-033-341)

Unidentified Native American group (018-033-341)

Ripley Arnold statue, Archie's Workshop, 2012 (018-033-341)

Cynthia Ann Pease River Dedication (018-033-341)

Cynthia Ann Pease River Dedication (018-033-341)

Tarrant County Courthouse, 1895 Room (018-033-341)

Vaquero statue (018-033-341)

Ripley Arnold statue, Archie's Workshop, 2012 (018-033-341)

Tarrant County Courthouse, 1895 Room (018-033-341)

Cynthia Ann Pease River Dedication (018-033-341)

Coliseum cornerstone dedication by Masons, October 6, 2007 (018-033-341)

Coliseum cornerstone dedication by Masons, October 6, 2007 (018-033-341)

Tarrant County Courthouse, 1895 Room (018-033-341)

Coliseum cornerstone dedication by Masons, October 6, 2007 (018-033-341)

Tarrant County Courthouse, 1895 Room (018-033-341)

Tarrant County Courthouse, 1895 Room (018-033-341)

Cynthia Ann Pease River Dedication (018-033-341)

Ripley Arnold statue, Archie's Workshop, 2012 (018-033-341)

Quanah Parker (018-033-341)

Quanah Parker, Star House (018-033-341)

Coliseum cornerstone dedication by Masons, October 6, 2007 (018-033-341)

Elvis Presley in Fort Worth (018-033-341)

Coliseum cornerstone dedication by Masons, October 6, 2007 (018-033-341)

Cynthia Ann Pease River Dedication (018-033-341)

Tarrant County Courthouse, 1895 Room (018-033-341)

Elvis Presley in Fort Worth (018-033-341)

Cynthia Ann Pease River Dedication (018-033-341)

Vaquero statue (018-033-341)

Unidentified Comanche woman (018-033-341)

Cynthia Ann Parker funeral (018-033-341)

Coliseum cornerstone dedication by Masons, October 6, 2007 (018-033-341)

Cynthia Ann Pease River Dedication (018-033-341)

Tarrant County Courthouse clock tower renovation (018-033-341)

Coliseum cornerstone dedication by Masons, October 6, 2007 (018-033-341)

Lance Tahkahmera (018-033-341)

Elvis Presley in Fort Worth (018-033-341)

Tarrant County Courthouse clock tower renovation (018-033-341)

Elvis Presley in Fort Worth (018-033-341)

Tarrant County Courthouse, 1895 Room (018-033-341)

Tarrant County Courthouse, 1895 Room (018-033-341)

Tarrant County Courthouse, 1895 Room (018-033-341)

Unidentified Native American (018-033-341)

Cynthia Ann Parker funeral (018-033-341)

Quanah Parker, 1982 (018-033-341)

Tarrant County Courthouse, 1895 Room (018-033-341)

Horse Fountain, Tarrant County Courthouse (018-033-341)

Comanche Nation Museum and Fair (018-033-341)

Parker Cabin, Log Cabin Village (018-033-341)

Coliseum cornerstone dedication by Masons, October 6, 2007 (018-033-341)

Tarrant County Courthouse, 1895 Room (018-033-341)

Cynthia Ann Parker funeral (018-033-341)

Drawing of Quanah Parker (018-033-341)

Coliseum cornerstone dedication by Masons, October 6, 2007 (018-033-341)

Quanah Parker and unidentified friend (018-033-341)

Tarrant County Courthouse, 1895 Room (018-033-341)

Tarrant County Courthouse, 1895 Room (018-033-341)

Vaquero statue (018-033-341)

Coliseum cornerstone dedication by Masons, October 6, 2007 (018-033-341)

Coliseum cornerstone dedication by Masons, October 6, 2007 (018-033-341)

Ripley Arnold statue, Archie's Workshop, 2012 (018-033-341)

Tarrant County Courthouse clock tower renovation (018-033-341)

Tarrant County Courthouse, 1895 Room (018-033-341)

Cynthia Ann Pease River Dedication (018-033-341)

Ripley Arnold statue, Archie's Workshop, 2012 (018-033-341)

Tarrant County Courthouse clock tower renovation (018-033-341)

Quanah Parker (018-033-341)

Tarrant County Courthouse clock tower renovation (018-033-341)

Quanah Parker (018-033-341)

Quanah Parker (018-033-341)

Cynthia Ann Pease River Dedication (018-033-341)

Tarrant County Courthouse, 1895 Room (018-033-341)

Cynthia Ann Parker funeral (018-033-341)

Vaquero statue (018-033-341)

Coliseum cornerstone dedication by Masons, October 6, 2007 (018-033-341)