Summary: This collection consists of materials donated by the Bedford Historical Foundation. This group helped restore the Old Bedford School and participated in other historical preservation projects in the Bedford area.
Two video-cassettes (VCR) and one compact disk (CD) are housed in Archives microfilm cabinet.
1. " Old Bedford School, Continuing the Legacy", produced December 1998, Bedford Historical Foundation. Film telling story of school built in 1914-15, burned January 1991, reconstruction begun in 1993.
2. " Boys Ranch at Bedford, Texas" taped from a television production by KRLD in the 1950's. Filming made possible by the loan by Charles Richards of his copy to the Bedford Historical Foundation which produced the video-cassette from his film in 1999. Earlier 8mm film had been produced by the Variety Club, a Boys Ranch sponsor, to be shown on television.
3. " A New Look at an Old School", an introductory tour to the building using some old photographs, scenes from a photography class for children at the school, a short tour of older Bedford buildings, and project forms for touring school-age classes. The CD was funded through grants from Target Stores and the National Trust for Historic Preservation