Training Academy Classroom


Training Academy
837 Brown Trail
Bedford, TX 76022
Phone 817-531-7634
Fax 817-531-7660

Academy Rules


  • Class Attendance: No absences will be permitted unless excused by the Training Coordinator, or his designee, and then only if provisions for make-up exist. Tardiness will not be condoned and will be subject to make-up. Supervisors will be notified when students do not report to class.
  • Meals: Meals are not provided on the Academy premises. Students who bring a lunch may eat in the Student Lounge or outdoor areas. Candy, snack and soft drink machines are located in the break room. Food is not allowed in the classrooms. You may carry your drinks into the classroom. No food or drinks are allowed in the computer lab.
  • Weapons: Peace Officers in Departmental Uniform shall carry their weapons in compliance with Departmental Policy. Students who are not Peace Officers shall not be armed.
  • Dress: Dress for a professional training environment. Departmental uniform or appropriate civilian attire only will be worn. No sweats, shorts, tee shirts or tank tops will be permitted unless otherwise instructed by Academy personnel. Students shall be clean-shaven (as appropriate to duty assignment) and shall comply with the dress code pertaining to earrings, studs and all similar items. Students attending a Basic Licensing Course shall be dressed in Departmental uniform.
  • Identification: All students in civilian attire shall wear their Department issued photo identification where it is clearly visible.
  • Academics: All examinations become the property of the Academy. No grades are published. The Class Instructor will advise each class of the grading criteria used in that particular class. Written examinations for Basic Licensing Courses require a minimum score of 75 percent on unit examinations with one retake permissible and a minimum score of 80 percent on final examination first attempt to be considered passing. All other courses require a minimum score of 70 percent with one retake permissible. Performance examinations are graded on a Pass/Fail basis.
  • Attentiveness: In order to receive TCOLE credit for a course, student attentiveness is required.
  • Student Entrance: Students are to enter and exit the Academy through the glass door on the north side of the building. Students shall not enter or exit the building through the business entrance.
  • Conduct: Professional demeanor is respected and expected.
  • Cell Phones/Pagers: Pagers and cellular telephones shall be set on vibrate mode during classroom instruction. Except during an emergency, pager responses shall be made during breaks only. Text messaging is prohibited except during breaks. Students attending Basic Licensing Courses are prohibited from possessing cellular telephones in the Academy building.
  • Tobacco use: We are a non-tobacco use facility. Tobacco use is prohibited in and around all Academy buildings.
  • Alcoholic Beverages: Alcoholic beverages are prohibited on Academy grounds.
  • Newspaper/Other reading material: Newspapers and reading material other than that required as course material shall not be read in the classroom.
  • Profanity: Students shall not use profane, vulgar or obscene language.
  • Orderliness: Students shall be responsible for maintaining a neat and orderly classroom, break room, range area or any areas where a student might visit or travel during their assigned training period with the Academy.
  • Administrative Areas: Administrative areas of the academy are restricted to official business only. Students are not to enter these areas without prior coordination by an academy instructor.
  • Complaints: All complaints and concerns by a student shall be addressed appropriately, beginning with the instructor, course coordinator and the Academy Coordinator.
  • Illness: Illness or injuries shall be reported in a timely manner to the instructor.
  • Prescription Medication: Use of any type of medication (prescription or over-the-counter) with notices warning the user that the medication may affect alertness or impair judgment must be reported to the instructor and/or the training supervisor.
  • Messages: Emergency messages are delivered immediately. All other messages are posted outside the classroom door.

Penalty: Violation of these rules shall be cause for dismissal from the Training Academy. The Academy Coordinator shall make the final determination.