About Us
The Purchasing Department is a member of the administrative services team of Tarrant County. The county Purchasing Agent is charged with the responsibility of assuring fair and equitable treatment to all vendors without regard to political pressure or discrimination based on race, color, religion, national origin, handicap or sex.
In addition, the Purchasing Agent serves as the County's DBE Officer and is active in certification efforts locally.
To assist the Purchasing Agent, an Assistant Purchasing Agent and a professional staff of Contract Administrators, Senior Buyers, Buyers, Purchasing Software Specialist, HUB Coordinator, Cooperative Purchasing Administrator, Fixed Assets Coordinator and Bid Secretaries have been assembled. In addition to solicitation of formal sealed bids, requests for proposals, and quotations, this team is responsible for:
- Auctions of surplus property
- Cooperative Purchasing Arrangements
- Physical inventory of fixed assets
- Maintaining surplus property warehouse
- HUB Program
Tarrant County’s Statement of Purpose is to:
- Furnish supplies, equipment and services, when needed, to the various departments in the required quality and quantity, at the best possible price through standardization, competitive bidding based on specifications, and cooperative purchasing.
- Provide the best service possible to all County departments in a fair and equitable manner.
- Ensure an atmosphere of equality to all vendors without regard to undue influence or political pressures; and,
- Protect the interests of the Tarrant County taxpayers in all expenditures.
To do the best possible job for the citizens of Tarrant County, Texas, an exchange of ideas and techniques related to purchasing, administration and management is essential. Therefore, we hold memberships in the National Institute of Governmental Purchasing (NIGP), National Procurement Institute (NPI), Institute for Supply Management (ISM), Texas Public Purchasing Association (TxPPA) and Public Purchasing Association of North Central Texas (PPANCT). We are proud to announce that the Tarrant County Purchasing Department has received the prestigious NPI Excellence in Procurement Award for the past 27 years, 1998-2024.
We are always ready and willing to help you complete your business in this department with a minimum of lost time and motion. If you have an item or product to sell, call for an appointment or come by the County Administration Building. Office hours for sales representatives wanting to see the Purchasing Agent or staff are by appointment or time available 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. This office is closed on weekends and legal holidays.
It will be appreciated if you will make this department the first point of contact when presenting your products to Tarrant County. Because of the nature of your product, it may be desirable to put you in contact with the departments which use or may use such materials. Many of these departments are spread throughout the County, so your initial contact with us is important.
In 1939, the leaders of Tarrant County lobbied the State Legislature for the creation of a County Purchasing Agent to centralize purchasing activities outside the political realm of Commissioners Court. On April 13, 1939, the House and Senate unanimously passed S.B. 429 establishing such a position with appointing authority vested in the Board of District Judges and County Judge. In May, 1939, the Tarrant County District Judges and County Judge appointed J.M. (Star) Williams as the first County Purchasing Agent in the State of Texas.
In 1992, the appointing authority for some counties was changed to three (3) District Judges and two (2) members of Commissioners Court.
To this day, Tarrant County remains a recognized leader in the area of county purchasing.