Measles Information and Travel Guidance - 

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is issuing a Health Advisory to notify clinicians, public health officials, and potential travelers about a measles outbreak in Texas and New Mexico. Read more about measles information and guidance.

The Health Alert Network (HAN) is Tarrant County’s official health and safety notification system. If you live, work, or go to school in Tarrant County, HAN ensures you have accurate, actionable information when local disasters or emergencies occur. And with HAN, you can select the categories of alerts you wish to receive and how you wish to get them (text, email or phone call).

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Past Alerts

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Date HAN Alert Intended for
2025-03-11 Measles Information and Travel Guidance Clinicians, Public Health Officials, Hospitals, and Potential Travelers
2025-02-28 Measles Information and Guidance - Childcare Childcare facilities
2025-02-26 Measles Information and Guidance - schools School Nurses and Administration
2025-02-21 West Texas Measles Outbreak Emergency Rooms, Physicians, Clinicians, Infection Control and Prevention Practitioners, and Laboratory Staff
2025-02-12 Measles Outbreak in Gaines County, TX Emergency Rooms, Physicians, Clinicians, Infection Control and Prevention Practitioners, and Laboratory Staff
2024-05-01 Adverse Effects Linked to Botox Injections Emergency Rooms, Epidemiology, Hospitals, Infection Control, Laboraties, Medical (Physicians/Nurses)
2024-05-29 Meningococcal Cases - Travel to Saudia Arabia
Emergency Rooms, Epidemiology, Hospitals, Infection Control, Laboratories, Medical (Physicians/Nurses)
2024-06-18 Illness Related to Shruumz Brand Products
Emergency Rooms, General Public, Hospitals, Medical (Physicians/Nurses)
2024-06-18 Prescription Stimulant Injury and Overdose Risk
Emergency Rooms, Hospitals, Law Enforcement, Medical (Physicians/Nurses)
2024-08-06 Increase in West Nile Virus  Disease for the 2024 Season in Tarrant County Emergency Rooms, Epidemiology, Hospitals, Infection Control, Laboratories, Medical (Physicians/Nurses)
2024-08-19 Increase in Human Parvovirus B19 in the U.S. Emergency Rooms, Hospitals, Infection Control, Laboratories, Medical (Physicians/Nurses)
2024-10-10 Marburg Virus Outbreak in Republic of Rwanda
Providers in primary care, urgent care, emergency medicine, microbiology laboratories, and infection control staff

Accessibility Notice: If you require assistance in accessing the information, please call 817-248-6299.