Pet Preparedness
Your pets are an important member of your family, so they need to be included in your family’s emergency plan. Below are links to resources to help you develop a plan for your pets.
American Red Cross
- Prepare a pet emergency kit
- Create a pet emergency plan
- Learn about livestock safety

- Create a disaster preparedness checklist
- Learn the steps to creating a disaster plan
- Receive an emergency pet alert sticker

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
- Understand what to do before, during, and after an emergency
- Prepare a pet disaster kit
- Create a pet disaster checklist

PHEP Speaker Request
Tarrant County Public Health – Health Protection and Response can present to your organization or group on a variety of topics. You can request a speaker by downloading the Speaker Request Form and sending it to our email or mailing it to Tarrant County Public Health, 1101 South Main Street, Suite 2603, Fort Worth, Texas 76104 - Attention: Public Health Preparedness.
Other Resources