Mobile Food Truck Inspection

Tarrant County Public Health Environmental Health Division is changing the mobile food unit permitting process. Starting Sept. 1, 2023, all mobile food units must have an appointment for permitting. Any vendor seeking a renewal may schedule an appointment 30 days prior to permit expiration. 

Complete the following steps:

Step 1: Schedule an appointment. If you need help completing your application packet, book a "Paperwork Only" consultation.

Step 2: Download the application packet, complete it, and either print it or fill it out digitally using the passkey in your confirmation email. Even with a digital submission, you must bring a printed copy of the completed packet to your appointment.

Step 3: Bring all required items listed in the Mobile Food Unit Checklist  to your appointment. The Commissary Agreement and Commissary Certification must be completed and printed by the relevant third parties before your appointment.

Note: Your application will not be considered complete until the final review during your scheduled appointment.

Para obtener ayuda en español o para programar o modificar una cita, llame al Centro de Llamadas de Salud Pública del Condado de Tarrant al 817-248-6299.

Step 1

New Mobile Food Unit Permitting Hours

The Mobile Food Unit Permitting hours have changed. See our new hours below.

Monday   11 a.m.- 3:30 p.m.
Wednesday and Thursday       10 a.m. - 1 p.m. 


Now available: "Paperwork Only" consultation appointment. Please select this option in the appointment portal, if you need assistance with completing your paperwork. 

Step 2

Complete and print the application. For questions, please call the Tarrant County Public Health Call Center at 817-248-6299.

Step 3

Download the checklist to ensure you have everything you need for your appointment. Another appointment will be required if the checklist is not complete, and/or you are missing any item on the list.