CYD Community Collaborative Committee
Tarrant County CYD is required by this grant to maintain our long-standing Community Collaborative Committee (CCC). While our CCC has many goals, youth must be actively involved in collaborative leadership and decision-making. Youth should assume shared responsibility with appropriate levels of support and should carry out Youth-initiated activities.
- Review and assist with the Community Strengths and Needs Assessment to determine program gaps and opportunities to meet the needs of the community and avoid duplication of existing services.
- Determine how to integrate and promote CYD into the community.
- Encourage collaboration among area agencies to provide an integrated means of identifying barriers to program delivery and finding solutions to these barriers, providing a diverse menu of resources to meet a range of youth and family needs.
- Work collectively to promote Positive Youth Development in the community.
- Include diverse social service agency representatives such as Texas Juvenile Justice Division (TJJD), Child Protective Services (CPS), CYD providers, other PEI and DFPS providers who are serving the same geographic area, local school representatives, community resource and collaboration group (CRCG) members, mental and physical healthcare service providers, law enforcement, as well as area residents and service recipients, businesses, the faith-based community, community leaders and Youth.
- CCC must meet at least once per quarter of each fiscal year.
- All subawardees are required to have at least one staff member attend each meeting and participate fully.
- At least two Youth Advisory Committee members are required to attend each meeting.
- All Subawardees are encouraged to bring outstanding youth leaders to meetings as appropriate.
Please contact the CYD Project Manager if you are interested in becoming a member of our Community Collaborative Committee.