You can eat foods that taste good and are good for you!  Fruits and vegetables come in a rainbow of colors and they contribute to a healthy diet because they are packed with vitamins and minerals.

Here are some tips to get you started:

  • Eat every color every day!  The colors orange, green, red, yellow, blue and purple on the food pyramid represent the five different food groups.
  • Try to eat foods from all of the groups every day.



May help fight some cancers. May help us fight colds. May help keep the heart healthy. Can also help us see at night.

lemon slices


Can aid in scrubbing the inside of the body and may help prevent high blood pressure.



May help fight colds and can aid in developing a healthy heart.

stock of broccoli


Can help protect us against cancer and are important for digestion.

three blueberries


May help fight some cancers and may help prevent high blood pressure

pair of egg plants


May help fight some cancers. Helps to develop red blood cells that carry oxygen from the lungs.

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