Getting the Results

Getting the Results
The lab will email or fax your report to you, usually within two business days. Please do not call about results unless you have not received your report after 48 hours of your submission. If you have questions about your results, please have readily available the exact submission date and the information included on the test request form.
The MMO-MUG test for total coliforms and E. coli will be performed. The words which are the key to this report are:
Total Coliform:
[] Present [] Absent
E. Coli:
[] Present [] Absent
A positive report indicating that Total Coliform organisms and/or E. coli have been found means the water may be unsafe and the system needs to be disinfected.
A negative report indicating that Total Coliform organisms and E. coli have not been found means the water is considered bacteriologically safe to drink at the time of sampling.
Remember that other factors such as chemical composition may also affect the safety, taste, and/or appearance of the water.
Water sample submission hours:
Monday - Thursday, 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Friday, 8 a.m. - 4 p.m.
UNSUITABLE FOR ANALYSIS - If the report returned to you from the lab indicates a problem with your sampling, retrace the proper steps for sampling.
If your report form is positive for coliform organisms, you should treat your well system with chlorine bleach, and then submit another sample for analysis. A water disinfection brochure is available in the forms below for download. If you have questions, contact the laboratory.
Guidelines and Regulations concerning water sampling are set out in the State of Texas "Drinking Water Standards" and the Federal "Safe Drinking Water Act."