graphic of hand holding magnifying glass over a city map observing a disease microbe; text Epi (upon), Demi (people) Ology (study)

The Division of Epidemiology or "Epi" investigates the occurences of "notifiable" disease activity to determine the presence, numbers, trends and distributions of these disease incidents (Epi [upon], demi [people], ology [study]). From analyzing trends, epidemiologists can determine if outbreaks are occuring. When it is determined an outbreak is occuring, information can then be shared with appropriate officials, and activities can be implemented to confront, contain and otherwise manage the outbreak. To identify outbreaks Epidemiology staff conduct phone inquiries (Contact Tracing) and on-site investigations. They attempt to identify the health status of affected individuals, where they traveled, the food they ate, who they’ve made contact with, and when they began to show symptoms. Investigations often cannot start until Public Health has been notified by a hospital, physician, or laboratory of a case; meaning a span of time has already passed before investigations can begin. This adds to the time for recognition of any outbreak. Although the cost of a disease is often measured in the numbers of deaths and hospitalizations, the staff-hours involved in tracking and treating an illness, as well as educating and promoting awareness, is a significant part of every disease incident.

Speakers available


Epidemiology also can provide speakers, free of charge, for groups and organizations. Examples of topics covered:

  • Blood-borne Pathogens
  • Communicable Diseases (i.e., E.coli, Hepatitis, etc.)
  • Community Health Assessments (BRFSS)
  • Data Basics
  • Emerging Infectious Diseases
  • Epidemiology Basics
  • Infant Mortality and PPOR
  • Infectious Disease Control
  • Leading Causes of Death
  • Vector-borne Diseases

I Want To...

  • Find

      Immunization Information

      Statistics on diseases

  • Report

      A notifiable disease incident

      A food establishment issue


817-850-2366 (fax)

4708 Mercantile Drive

Fort Worth, Texas 76137

Monday - Friday, 9 a.m. - 5 p.m.