Justice Courts have jurisdiction over "fine-only misdemeanors" that are not punishable by confinement in jail or imprisonment. (§§4.11 and 4.14, C.C.P.)

  • This includes all fineable misdemeanors committed by children under 17 that fall under the court's jurisdiction.
  • Justice Court cases typically involve (1) traffic offenses, (2) fine-only misdemeanors, (3) alcohol and tobacco violations, and (4) truancy violations.

Juveniles are required to:

  • Appear in open court for all proceedings regarding their case. Notices to appear at the initial appearance hearing are mailed to the defendant and parent/legal guardian. Therefore, disregard the date of appearance on the citation.
  • The parent/legal guardian is required to attend court with their child. Parents/legal guardians who refuse to come to court may be subject to contempt of court.

Juveniles who fail to appear in court:

  • May have an additional charge of “Failure to Appear” filed against them.  
  • Will be reported to the Texas Department of Public Safety, which will suspend or deny issuance of a driver’s license until appearance in court.

Juveniles who disobey a court order:

  • May be found in contempt and assessed a fine not to exceed $500.
  • Reported to the Texas Department of Public Safety, which will suspend or deny issuance of a driver’s license until paid.

Youth Diversion Plan

Effective Date: January 1, 2025

Justice Court, Precinct 1 Youth Diversion Plan allows for early identification of at-risk youth and focuses on redirecting children from the criminal justice system while still holding them accountable for their actions, reducing the future likelihood of recidivism, in accordance with H.B. 3186.  The Youth Diversion Plan targets young individuals accused of Non-Traffic Class C misdemeanors. It provides various options, ranging from low-intensity approaches to more intensive referrals for treatment, all intended as alternatives to formal court proceedings. Furthermore, Justice Court, Precinct 1, has appointed all court staff as Youth Diversion Coordinators in accordance with Article 45.307(a), of the of the Code of Criminal Procedure. Court staff will be responsible for coordinating and assisting with various responsibilities related to youth diversion. 

This court does not participate in intermediate diversion as stipulated in Article 45.309 of the Code of Criminal Procedure. Therefore, all charges filed with the court will be processed through diversion by the judge in accordance with Article 45.310 of the Code of Criminal Procedure.

Click here to download the complete Justice Court, Pct. 1 Youth Diversion Plan

Parents/Legal Guardians – Notification of Address Change

Art. 45.057. OFFENSES COMMITTED BY JUVENILES. (h) A child and parent required to appear before the court have an obligation to provide the court in writing with the current address and residence of the child. The obligation does not end when the child reaches 17. On or before the seventh day after the date the child or parent changes residence, the child or parent shall notify the court of the current address in the manner directed by the court. A violation of this subsection may result in arrest and is a class C misdemeanor. The obligation to provide notice terminates on discharge and satisfaction of the judgment or final disposition not requiring a finding of guilt.

Alcohol Offenses

Alcoholic Beverage Code §106.02 (Consumption, Possession, Purchase, Misrepresentation of age, Driving under the influence.)

If you are under the age of 21 at the time of the offense and this is your first offense, you are required to:

  • Attend a 6-hour alcohol awareness class within 90 days and submit proof.
  • Complete 8-12 hours of alcohol-related community service within 90 days and submit proof.

These violations require a mandatory court appearance. Juveniles under 17 at the time of the offense are required by law to appear before the judge in person with a parent/legal guardian. If you fail to attend the alcohol awareness class or complete the required community service hours, your driver’s license will be suspended or denied issuance if you do not have one for a period of 180 days.

Tobacco and E-Cigarette Offenses

Health and Safety Code § 161.252(a) (Possession, Purchase, Misrepresentation of age )

If you are under the age of 21 at the time of the offense, you are required to:

  • Attend an 8-hour tobacco awareness class within 90 days and submit proof. OR
  • Complete a 12-hour tobacco-related essay project with The Volunteer Center within 90 days and submit proof. This option is only available for first-time tobacco offenses.

These violations require a mandatory court appearance. Juveniles under the age of 17 at the time of the offense are required by law to appear before the judge in person with a parent/legal guardian. If you fail to complete either the class or essay project, your driver’s license will be suspended or denied issuance if you do not have one for a period of 180 days.

Expunction of Records

Art. 45.0216.  EXPUNCTION OF CERTAIN CONVICTION RECORDS. You are entitled to expunge the conviction, if any, along with any complaints, verdicts, sentences, and any other documents relating to the offense, including documents held by a prosecutor or law enforcement agency if:

  • You have turned 17 and have been convicted only once of a non-traffic fine-only misdemeanor, other than alcohol or tobacco offenses.
  • You have turned 17 and have been convicted only once of an offense under Penal Code § 43.261 (Electronic Transmission of Certain Visual Material Depicting Minor).
  • You were charged with an offense while under 17, and that charge was dismissed, or you were found not guilty of the offense.
  • You have turned 21 and have been convicted of only one offense relating to alcoholic beverages under the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code Chapter 106.
  • You have turned 21 and have been arrested for only one offense relating to alcoholic beverages under the Texas Alcoholic Beverage Code Chapter 106.
  • You were charged with an offense relating to tobacco and have turned 21.

To expunge your records, file a sworn statement with the court where the offense was filed and pay an expunction fee of $30.

Disclaimer: The information provided on this website does not, and is not intended to, constitute legal advice; instead, all information, content, and materials available on this site are for general informational purposes only.