The following restrictions and limitations will apply to any E-Court Hearings/Trials. In some instances, a case is not appropriate for a remote hearing; therefore, those cases will be postponed and rescheduled accordingly.


If your case is scheduled via Zoom video conferencing. It is free to download at or you can download the app directly to your smart phone.  To participate, the Court must have your e-mail address no later than 12-noon the last business day before the hearing. An E-Court Hearing/Trial requires that your e-mail address be shared with the other party. This is to facilitate sharing of exhibits prior to hearing/trials.  Your computer must have internet access, a video camera, and a microphone. You can find your log-in information in the attached setting letter or e-mail.

Exhibits must be emailed to all parties and E-Filed to the Court by no later than 3 business days before the Hearing/Trial. The Court will address any objections to exhibits at Hearing/Trial.

The Court may not consider any exhibits not filed with the Court in a timely manner. If you fail to follow the exhibit requirement, these exhibits may not be considered during Hearing/Trial.

Witnesses MUST appear by video conferencing. Parties calling a witness are responsible for ensuring that a witness has a separate video and audio feed, or all those present are clearly visible and can be heard if the video feed is shared. All witnesses should be prepared to present a valid form of identification to verify their identity to the Court over the video feed. It is the responsibility of the party offering the witness to ensure that the witness has the link to the proceedings and that all exhibits are available to the witness, including those of opposing parties.

Motions for continuance should be filed by e-file no later than two days before your scheduled trial date and must be in writing, served on the opposing party, and may be granted or denied at the discretion of the court.

Prior to your court date, you may want to familiarize yourself with any applicable laws and rules applicable to justice courts as well as "local rules of the court" for justice courts in Tarrant County. Click here to view the Court's Local Rules.

Attention to Non-English-speaking parties: If needed, it may be your responsibility to provide a certified interpreter.


FOR THE PUBLIC: The open Court's provision of Texas law allows all Texans access to court proceedings. As such, anyone may call the Court at 817-884-1395 to get access codes to E-Hearing/E-Trial. If you are viewing, please mute your connection to prevent disruption to the proceedings. The public may view or listen to proceedings, but video or audio recording of any kind is prohibited.