Housing and Rental Assistance
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Search items by entering keyword(s) in the search field. The table will filter the results as you type. Click the header of a column to alphabetically sort the items. Click again to reverse the order of the sort.
Name | Phone No. |
Arlington Housing Authority (www.arlingtontx.gov/city_hall/departments/housing_authority) | 817-275-3351 |
Arlington Life Shelter (www.arlingtonlifeshelter.org) | 817-548-9885 |
Christ's Haven For Children (www.christshaven.org) | 817-431-1544 817-379-5070 |
Community Enrichment Center, Inc. (www.cechope.org) | 817-281-1164 |
Day Resource Center for Homeless (Fort Worth) (www.drc-solutions.org) | 817-810-9797 |
Fiscal Tiger (Financial Resources for Single Parents) (www.fiscaltiger.com) |
Fort Worth Housing Solutions (www.fwhs.org) | 817-333-3400 |
Fort Worth Neighborhood Services (www.fortworthtexas.gov/departments/neighborhoods) | 817-392-7540 |
Foundation Communities Shadow Brook, Sleepy Hollow (Affordable Apartment Housing) | 817-461-3936 817-460-7822 |
Grapevine Housing Authority (www.grapevinetexas.gov/110/Grapevine-Housing-Authority) | 817-488-8132 |
House of Redemption (Transitional Housing for Women Over 18) | 817-992-5493 |
Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Region VI Office (www.hud.gov) | 817-978-5700 |
Housing Assistance Office Tarrant County (www.tarrantcountytx.gov/en/housing-assistance-office.html) | 817-531-7640 |
Peace Lutheran Church (www.peacechurch.org) | 817-284-1677 |
Presbyterian Night Shelter of Tarrant County (www.journeyhome.org) | 817-632-7400 |
Salvation Army of Tarrant County (https://salvationarmyntx.org) | 817-344-1800 |
Samaritan House (https://samaritanhouse.org) | 817-332-6410 |
Tarrant County Community Development Division (www.tarrantcountytx.gov/en/community-development-and-housing-department.html) | 817-850-7940 |
Tarrant County Housing Partnership, Inc (Housing Channel) (www.housingchannel.org) | 817-924-5091 877-924-5095 |
Trinity Habitat for Humanity (https://trinityhabitat.org) | 817-926-9219 |
Union Gospel Mission (www.ugm-tc.org) | 817-339-2553 |