Juror Reporting Instructions

Reporting Time


TIME:   9 a.m.

DATE:  MARCH 24, 2025

Jurors assigned to the 352nd District Court for March 24, 2025, should report to the courtroom no later than 9 a.m. on Monday, March 24, 2025, unless instructed otherwise.

Please be seated outside the courtroom door until you are called inside.  To avoid delays, jurors should complete their online juror information form no later than Sunday, March 23, 2025,.

Before departing for the courthouse, it is advised that jurors check this site as well as their email and/or voicemail (whichever contact information was provided by the juror in the jury information form) for updates.

(If jury service has been cancelled, this site will be updated and diligent attempts will be made to notify jurors in advance by email or voicemail, time permitting.)

If you have questions, concerns, or comments, please contact the court reporter, Michelle Escobar, at:

mfescobar@tarrantcountytx.gov  or  817-884-2732.