Housing and Food Assistance

Tarrant County – Housing Assistance
The Tarrant County Housing Assistance Office was established in 1975 to administer the Housing Choice Voucher program (commonly referred to as Section 8). The mission of the Tarrant County Housing Assistance Office is to provide safe, decent, and afforadable housing for low income families.

Texas Department of Housing & Community Affairs
The Texas Department of Housing and Community Affairs is the state agency responsible for affordable housing, community and energy assistance programs, colonia activities, and regulation of the state's manufactured housing industry.

Tarrant County Human Services
Tarrant County Department of Human Services (TCDHS) is the County's temporary financial assistance program. The mission of TCDHS is to provide social services and economic assistance to individuals and families.
Financial assistance is provided to eligible households for rent, mortgage, utilities, food & hygiene items, and transportation on a limited basis.