Texas SmartScape
Texas SmartScape
Available on CD-ROM, and now online at www.txsmartscape.com, Texas SmartScape was developed to help guide homeowners and gardeners in the use of native and adaptive plants in their landscapes. Chock full of assorted attractive plants that require little or no pesticides or fertilizers to grow, the Texas SmartScape is a great help in cultivating environmentally friendly landscapes. Many of the plants featured require less water and will also attract butterflies and hummingbirds, thus improving local habitat.
As more homeowners switch to these environmentally friendlier landscapes, residential pollutants that wash into local creeks and rivers will likewise be reduced.
The CD-ROM is a result of an ongoing effort to maintain the quality of our urban communities, and was produced as a joint project by the Tarrant County Public Health Department, the North Central Texas Council of Governments and many other organizations.
Texas SmartScape CDs are available to the public at little or no cost. The CD can be obtained from some commercial plant nurseries, as well as many local government offices. The Tarrant County Public Health Department provides copies of the CD through:
Tarrant County Environmental Health
1101 South Main St., Room 2300
Ft. Worth, Texas
Monday - Friday, 8 am - 5 pm
Other county departments distributing the CD include:
Tarrant County/Texas Cooperative Extension
401 E. 8th St., Ft. Worth, Texas
Tarrant County Transportation Services
100 E. Weatherford St., Rm. 401,
Ft. Worth, Texas