Stormwater Program

Stormwater Program
Tarrant County Public Health’s Stormwater Education and Pollution Prevention page is dedicated to helping our citizens understand the importance of preventing water pollution.
Stormwater is any unfiltered water runoff that reaches creeks, streams, lakes, estuaries and oceans by flowing across impervious surfaces, such as, roads, parking lots, driveways, roof tops and solid land features.
During these flow events, stormwater picks up toxic pesticides, possible human/animal waste, detergents, fertilizers, metals and sediment that may ultimately contaminate water sources. When this happens, all life forms -- including humans -- are affected, reducing a healthy, productive quality of life.

Protect Stormwater from Bacterial (E. coli) Contamination:
Studies documenting groundwater contamination from OSSFs support the notion that failing and/or improperly designed or inadequately maintained OSSFs can raise bacteriological (FC, E. coli, viruses, etc.) and chemical (Nitrate Nitrogen (NO3-N), Emerging Organic Contaminants (EOCs), etc.) concentrations in groundwater. Learn more.

The primary method to control stormwater discharges is the collective use of best management practices, which may require a permit. Please visit the Tarrant County Transportation Department's Stormwater Construction Permits web page if you have any questions regarding the rules and regulations, as they pertain to unincorporated Tarrant County areas. You can also contact Mr. Robert Berndt, REM, at 817-884-2634 or by email at Additional permit information can be obtained by visiting the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality Stormwater Permits web page.
The proper disposal of the chemicals, that we use every day in our homes, is another key strategy that helps to protect local water bodies. If you are a resident of unincorporated Tarrant County and would like to properly dispose of your household hazardous chemicals or waste, please follow this link to obtain a Voucher Information Sheet.
If you would like to schedule a presentation or request additional information regarding stormwater education and pollution prevention techniques, please contact:
Tarrant County Public Health
1101 South Main Street, Suite 2300
Fort Worth, Texas 76104
Recent initiatives: Strategies seek to mitigate E. coli in Trinity River watershed