JP Pct. 7 Fee Payments
Please be advised that on January 1, 2022, in accordance with S.B. 41, the filing fee for Justice Court civil suits will increase from $46.00 to $54.00. In addition to the increased fee, motions for new trial and appeals will now require this filing fee to be paid at the time of filing.
For more information, you may contact the court at 817-473-5101 or send an email to
- Online payments are available only to criminal defendants aged 17 and over for criminal offenses committed after age 17.
- All Juvenile defendants under age 17 and minors over age 17 charged with Alcohol, Tobacco and Truant Conduct offenses must make a personal appearance in court with a parent or legal guardian. Online payment option will not be available for the offenses previously stated.
Justice Court Fees
Constable Fees
See below the proper payment methods if not remitting payment via E-file. This applies to Appeals, Misdemeanors and Juvenile cases.
1. In Person: | We accept exact cash, money orders, and cashier's checks as well as Mastercard, Visa, American Express and Discover at the office between 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday, except on County holidays. Office is closed for lunch daily between 12-1 pm. This office does not issue refunds under any circumstances. Cashier's checks and money orders should be made payable to: Justice of the Peace Precinct 7 No personal checks will be accepted. Office Location: 1100 East Broad Street, Suite 202
2. By Mail: | Payments by money order or cashier's check may be mailed to our office at No personal checks will be accepted. Mailing address: Justice of the Peace Precinct 7
3. By Internet: | Adult Defendants Only - See note at top if a minor: Payment constitutes a plea of Nolo Contendere ("No Contest") [Texas Code of Criminal Procedure, Article 27.14 (c): "In a misdemeanor case for which the maximum possible punishment is by fine only, payment of a fine or an amount accepted by the court constitutes a finding of guilty in open court as though a plea of nolo contendere had been entered by the defendant and constitutes a waiver of a jury trial in writing."]. We accept all major credit cards over the Internet.
Once you have read all the information above, if you wish to pay online please click on the link below and you will be redirected to nCOURT. URL: Make Credit Card Payment Online |