Civil cases are filed with the current contact information at the time of filing. The case may be delayed for numerous reasons and sometimes parties may move on from their location. Keeping the court updated with current and accurate information is imperative for all parties.
Please contact the court and update contact information as it changes. This includes email, phone numbers, and address for point of contact. You may call the court at 817-370-4525, email jp6clerk@tarrantcountytx.gov or Fax 682-255-3981. For any questions, please call the court.
Contact information on the State Bar of Texas website should be kept updated with any changes to phone number, email, address, and firm contacts. When the court receives a notice for change of address, there is a process of verifying with the State Bar and updating the information through the county I.T. Department. If the information is not updated with the account on the State Bar website, it cannot be updated in the court's system.
You can visit the State Bar of Texas website here.