Policy Changes

Tarrant County Housing Assistance Office (TCHAO) shall implement the following policy changes in accordance with our approved and modified Administrative Plan.

Annual Re-Examinations

Currently, Tarrant County Housing Assistance Office processes Annual Re-Examinations via Assistance Connect (on-line) or by mail (for elderly and/or disabled participants only). 

Verification Hierarchy Guidance

When making a change (or requested to provide documentation), you will get faster results if you would please bring official, original computer-generated documents with you to your Annual Re-Exam and to verify  your change (when you bring or mail your Change Form).  Some examples are:

  • Social Security, Unemployment, VA pension or HHS Award Letters, etc.
  • At least two of your latest, consecutive pay stubs or a computerized letter from your employer stating your hourly rate-of-pay and hours-per-week or your annual salary -- all of them showing your start date.
  • A computerized letter from your employer stating the ending date of your employment -- if ending employment.
  • Child support print out.
  • Computerized bank statements, 401K statement, life insurance policy, etc.
  • Pharmacy print out.
  • Computerized copies of doctor's co-pays.
  • Computerized or official copy of re-payment agreement with hospital.
  • Child care statement or print out of child care payments.
  • Child care through an individual (third party written form, least preferred).

If you do not bring original computer-generated official documents with you, your change will be delayed because we will need to send out for and obtain third-party verification.  The third-party verification process can be lengthy, depending on how long it takes the individual, company or agency to respond.  This may delay the effective date of your change.  However, if you bring with you the computer-generated documents requested, we will be able to process your change very quickly, as no further verification will be required.

Interim Re-Examinations

All increases in family income must be reported to TCHAO in writing on the TCHAO Change Form immediately, but not more than 10 calendar days from the date of the increase.  An acknowledgement letter will be sent to the tenant by TCHAO.  It is the participants responsibility to conact their case worker to verify whether the change has been received when faxing or was mailed.

Please Note:  Interim increases will result in an increase in tenant rent portion within 30 days. 

Families participating in the Family Self-Sufficiency (FSS)  program will follow the same requirements in reporting interim increase changes.

Deceased Tenants

HUD Notice PIH 2010-9 provided new guidance for participants who are the only household member and pass away.  TCHAO is required to discontinue rental assistance no later than the first of the month following the tenant's death.  This rule is effective even if the tenant passes away on the last day of the month, or the tenant's belongings are still in the unit after the first of the month.  For more information see the FAQ for Property Owners and Managers.

Debts Owed to PHAs and Terminations

A new Federal Regulation, 24 CFR 5.233, requires all Public Housing Authorities (PHA) to report information on any debts owed to a PHA or any program participant who has been terminated from a Public Housing program.  This information is gathered in a national database and is available to all PHAs nationwide.  TCHAO will check new applicants against this database to ensure the applicant does not owe any money to another PHA, or is for some other reason ineligible for assistance due to actions with another PHA.  Likewise, any TCHAO client who owes money to TCHAO or is terminated for program violations, will  be reported to this database and will not be eligible for assistance from another PHA.  ALL TCHAO program participants and household members age 18 and older will be required to sign a HUD document indicating they have been made aware of this policy.  For more information, see the Program Participants.