Burn Ban Lifted
The Ban on Outdoor Burning for unincorporated areas of Tarrant County has been Lifted - September 17, 2024
David Butler | Interim Fire Marshal
September, 17 2024
Tarrant County Commissioners Repeal Outdoor Burning Ban
The Tarrant County Fire Marshal’s Office reminds anyone planning to conduct an outside burn must observe the following requirements:
- Contact the Tarrant County Regional Communication Center at 817-232-9800 on the day you plan to burn to register your address and to confirm if it is an allowable burn day. The Fire Alarm Center is open 24/7.
- No burning if wind speeds (either constant or gusts) are greater than 23 mph.
- The party responsible for the burn must be always present and remains liable for damages. Have water available and a cell phone.
- Begin burning no earlier than one hour after sunrise and end the same day no later than one hour before sunset – NO BURNING AT NIGHT.
- Make sure the smoke does not blow towards a neighbor’s house or onto a road.
- The burn must be downwind and at least 300 feet from structures on adjacent properties.
- Only burn brush, tree limbs, grass clippings or leaves. The material MUST be generated from the property. NO HAULING IN. NO BURNING OF CONSTRUCTION MATERIAL, HEAVY OILS OR CHEMICAL WASTES.
- To conduct prescribed burns, you must contact the Tarrant County Fire Marshal’s Office for approval and permits.

To report someone illegally burning outdoors, call the Tarrant County Regional Communications Center at 817-232-9800 or the Tarrant County Sheriff’s Office at 817-884-1315.
The authority to conduct outdoor burning under this regulation does not exempt or excuse any person responsible from the consequences, damages or injuries resulting from the burning and does not exempt or excuse anyone from complying with all other applicable laws or ordinances, regulations and orders of governmental entities having jurisdiction -- even though the burning is otherwise conducted in compliance with this regulation.