Jail and Bond Dashboard

The Jail Population Dashboard is an interactive data report, regularly updated to provide a detailed overview of the jail population in Tarrant County. The report utilizes data that is captured once a day from the Tarrant County Sheriff’s Office (TCSO) records management database to create counts, averages, and percentages that highlight trends in the criminal justice system.

Please note that data entered in TCSO’s records management database is not intended to be used for complex data analysis, but rather to provide with a high degree of accuracy an account of jail population trends. *All figures are subject to further analysis and revision. 

Dashboard Instructions

Offense metrics are configured to show only one offense per inmate. Individuals are represented by the highest severity offense for which they are currently incarcerated. For example, if a person is incarcerated with two felonies (i.e., F1, F3), three misdemeanors (i.e., MA, MB, and MC), and an immigration hold, the highest severity felony (i.e., F1 in this example) would be the primary offense shown as representative for that individual for statistical purposes. 

Dashboard Navigation

This dashboard is interactive:

  • Hover your cursor on any chart element or component to see additional numerical information about the item (i.e., count, percentage of total, etc.).
  • Clicking on a chart component (i.e., a bar within a bar chart, or a slice within a pie chart) will adjust all the other charts on that page to show the percentage of the selected component relative to the total. 
  • If a date range can be changed, a date slider is provided to adjust the scope.